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The government also needs torestart consultations with Indigenous communities, whichNatural Resources Minister Amarjeet Sohi said will be announced shortly.
Friday announcement comes about three weeks after the appeal court quashed theNEB and cabinet blessing of the project, citing improper consultation with Indigenous communities and a lack of review of the marine shipping issue.
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The professor noted consultations with Indigenous communities could take even longer than six months.
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Hoberg said depending on the party that wins, that could mean very different things.
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failed on every timeline they announced, Stubbs added. think Canadians are right to canada goose outlet montreal question whether or not Liberals are actually committed to getting the pipeline expansion built. New Democrats also criticized the Liberal government, saying they redoing the same review again but hoping for different results.
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Earlier this week, theUnion of British Columbia Indian Chiefs also issued a statement urging Trudeau to drop the project entirely.
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A dump truck works near the Syncrude oil sands extraction facility near the city of Fort McMurray, Alta., on June 1, 2014. Canadians will find out Tuesday exactly how they will be compensated for the upcoming federal carbon tax. The Canadian Press has learned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau canada goose outlet store montreal will be in Toronto with Environment Minister Catherine McKenna to unveil the long promised rebate plan, as well as which provinces will be subjected to the federally imposed price on pollution. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jason Franson.